
Workout Day Update

Our workout day has been postponed one week. Your coaches should have contacted you with times and field locations. Uniform fittings will continue Saturday 2/25 from 9A – 11A inside the snack shack. PLEASE, if your player has not yet been sized, plan to attend.

There is just a few openings left at just a couple age groups, click through the “register tab for info and “contact us” with your players name and DOB to get on the wait list. We will fill all openings then hold names in case we get enough additional players to form another team.

Additional info is listed here below.

Parents – must read!

2023 Crusaderball registration is $170.00 per player. This includes 5 fireworks fundraiser coupons that you may redeem at our fireworks booth or sell to family or friends and 2 Modesto Nuts tickets for entry to Crusaderball Night at the Nuts on 4/29/23. Online Payment with registration is preferred but in-person registration/payment will be available at one of two uniform fitting days listed below. Your sign-up fees cover the following expenses: Insurance, field maintenance, field preparation, equipment, umpires, uniforms, and many other incidental expenses too numerous to mention.

** 2/25/23 Uniform fitting and registration finalization.
Each player is required to attend a session before they can participate in our workout/placement
activities. Location is at the Snack Shack on the Ramsey Fields Complex, time is 9AM – 11AM


** 3/4/23   Workout/Placement Day

Boys Baseball 7/8, 9/10, 11/12 and Girls Softball age groups 9/10, 11/12 will meet for a workout/placement practice. You will receive a phone call informing you of the time and what field your player is to attend.  All players must have their registration finalized and be fitted for uniforms before working out.

There are no workouts for T-Ball players, parents will be contacted by their Head Coach and practices will begin roughly the second week of March.

** 4/1/23   Opening Ceremonies/Picture Day

It is very important all players and coaches be in attendance to be introduced for the 2023 ball season! Picture times and details will be communicated through your Head Coach or Team Mom.

**   4/3/23 League games start this week

Your head coach schedules and communicates all game and practice times, He or She should be your first call requesting any information you are not able to obtain at

**   4/29/23   Crusaderball night at the Modesto Nuts baseball game.

We really want everybody in uniform and in attendance at the game, more info will come from Head Coach.

We pray that your children will have an enjoyable baseball/softball experience. We covet your prayers and support as we begin, yet another, Crusaderball season.                       

                                                                                                                         Larry Ramsey, Andy Strickland, Ben Eller